Kingston Nursing Home Values

Kingston values

Kingston stands for: Kind, Individual, Nurture, Genuine, Supportive, Transparent, Open, New


1. We are kind and caring to everyone who uses our service; We will help you keep in touch in any way we can with the people who matter in your life.

2. We provide individual person-centred care and believe in looking at the person first and the diagnosis second our staff are the bones of this home and will be treat with the upmost respect.

3. We will nurture every person to reach their maximum potential and enhance their wellbeing providing them with a sense of belonging enabling them not disabling them.

4. We are genuine and always open and honest in our approach. We will listen to you and act on any concerns.

5. We believe everyone will grow in a safe and supportive environment. We will support everyone here through difficult times.

6. We are very transparent and open and will never promise something we cannot deliver. we will always be honest in our approach with anyone who uses our service or works here.

7. We have an open-door policy and believe every person in this home has a voice and should be listened to.

8. We will embrace new ways of working and new ideas that will improve the residents care and the staffs working environment. We will be creative and forward thinking forever evolving